J&CR Wood has seen savings of £50,000 in the past 12 months after undergoing a process of re-evaluation of how we work.
After teaming up with the Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS), who implemented core changes in the way we work with their ‘lean and mean’ training programme, we managed to identify areas where we were losing money.
Now, 12 months after putting new working practices in our factory into place, we are delighted with the results we have achieved so far.
Our success was the subject of an article in the Hull Daily’s Mail’s business supplement this month, headlined ‘Why lean and mean is delivering results.’
Our point of sale business JCRPOS – part of the J&CR Wood group – has simultaneously seen growth with an upsurge in enquiries and sales for national and international brands who are looking for innovative and bespoke designs at a competitive price.
Meanwhile, the sub-contracted services we offer locally in East Yorkshire have also seen an uptake in demand.
The effect of the savings and the business growth signals good fortunes ahead for JCRPOS, said Director Ian Wood.
“The ‘lean and mean’ process has involved 75 hours of training and our whole shop floor has undergone a huge re-organisation, with new working practices and a thorough clean and tidy. Just simple measures such as organising work stations better means that we have a more efficient workplace, with less time wasting.
“We are delighted with the results of the process, which is on-going. Coupled with that, the point of sale business is seeing a steady increase of new enquiries, and we are also busy with our sub-contract services locally, all of which puts us in a very good position.”
JCRPOS designs standalone or counter-top point of sale displays for clients including Formica, Samsung, Dulux and Mamas and Papas.
Their sub-contract services include wire work, sheet metal, precision machining, general fabrication, profile cutting, powder and plastic coating and blackodising.
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